Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you

"kenapa kamu tak ambil sebelum ni lagi?"kak husnah
"kan saya dah letak notis sebelum ni.bila tarikh akhir nak ambil slip tu?"lembut tapi tegas.
"err..tak tahu."sekali lagi.teragak-agak.such an innocent girl
"sekarang kamu sem berapa?"
"3..sem 3."tengok jam.lagi 30 minit.owh god! help me.
"lepas ni jangan buat lagi.kalau kamu buat lagi,saya takkan bagi kamu slip tu."once again,lembut,tapi tegas.
thanks God!
aku berlalu,tersenyum.fuh..dapat jugak ambil slip exam ni.walaupun dah dekat-dekat nak masuk dewan final
how can I forget to take it before?
along that short semester,I am never think about it - the examination slip until a day before my paper,I remember it and allof my friend were take it before..hu2.. (sebenarnya salah sendiri-ada je yang ingatkan tapi aku yang tak alert sangat)
The story of mine
because of my short sem have finished today,so my long semester also start in this day .felt so tired ~ after finished my examination,I'm going to my programming class at lab 2 until 12.00.after luch and pray , continue the Data Base class at 3 pm ~ no rest,no breath (but i like it..hu2)
This semester,insyaAllah I will take 7 subject
1.Programming 2 (C++)
2.Data Base
3.Audio Video
5.English for professional communication
6.professional Ethics
7.mathematics 5
because of my pointer in the last sem is not good enough (my cpa is only 2.91 -_-" ) so I promise with myself to get the best result in this semester,insyaAllah.
so, because of that I'm going to meet my PA (Penasihat Akademik) after my programming class today and what's my PA said to me????
hu2...lets we see it together
"Aisyah.if you want to increase your pointer in this semester,you must get atleast.......
1.Programming 2 (C++) ____________________ C+
2.Data Base _____________________________ B
3.Audio Video ___________________________ A
4.Animation ____________________________ A
5.English for professional communication ______ B+
6.Professional Ethics ______________________ B
7.mathematics 5 _________________________ B
.......... in this semester so that you can increase your pointer but if you get it,you just get only 3.21 for you CPA.
"Puan,this target is so low.I think I can get more better than these in this semester."I said.
"by refering with your previous semester's result,these are suitable target that I can give to yo."
(HAHAHAHA..Rasa nak tergelak pulak)
new semester,
new target,
new spirit
but for me
the new target
the new spirit
just survive for
one or two weeks of the beginning of new semester
but don't cry
just keep your spirit up
by remembering Him!
if and only ONLY IF
you think that YOU CAN
so now
go Aisya!
keep figthing
keep smiling
new target,
new spirit
but for me
the new target
the new spirit
just survive for
one or two weeks of the beginning of new semester
but don't cry
just keep your spirit up
by remembering Him!
if and only ONLY IF
you think that YOU CAN
so now
go Aisya!
keep figthing
keep smiling
--before break,Just want to tell that now im listening to You Can's song by david't not the new song and also is't not the motivation's song but this song..really makes me remember someone ;((
Waaahhhh...syukurlah dapat juga slip tu~belajar kamu mesti susah2 kan!!huhu...surely lebih susah drpd saya punya kes..hehee...apapun,gudluck!gudluck utk perjuangan ini~Latest post:Cerita Pangkor bahagian 1
erm..Alhamdulillah sangat sbb dapat juga amek slip exam tu walau pada saat2 ni memang kadang2 agak pelupa sikit..hu2
pasal2 subjek2 saya ni xlah sesusah subjek2 awak yg amek engineering courese tapi sbb saya ni jenis yang tak berapa nak rajin maka benda tu pun nampak lebih rumit..
apapun insyaAllah saya akan cuba utk baiki diri sendiri selepas ini ^-^
thanks sbb sudi berkunjung ke blog sy :)
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