All praises to Allah...
All praises to Allah,because of His mercy and His love,we are still given these ni'mah ~ imaan and taqwa. without these ni'mah,we are nothing in this world.Alhamdulillah...now,take a minute, do we ever feel that Ramadhan also is a ni'mah that given by Him? (open our mind ~ think about it deeply )
tomorrow,Insya Allah we will enter the last ten days in this Ramadhan so what do we feel? do we appreciate this month? or we just let them go without nothing with ourself and feel so happy because after that we can do our life like before? the life that full with negligence..
Last ten days in Ramadhan,means now we are entering to the area that full of reward if we are able to find it ~ the Lailatul Qadr . Lailatul Qadr is one of the holiest and most blessed nights, which is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadhan . The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person's lifetime. So, on this night we should do Qiamullail, recite the Quran, do Tasbih, Zikr and others as much as possible.
"We began to reveal it (- the Qur'ân) during the Night of Majesty , And what shall make you know what the Night of Majesty is! , The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months.,The angels and the Divine word come down therein, by the command of their Lord to (determine) each and every affair. ,(That Night is all) peace. It lasts till the rise of the dawn. Chapter" [Holy Quran, 97 : 1-5]
Before I end this entry, I hope that He accept us as His servant,hope that He always hold our heart to always stay in Faith with Him..in this short time,I was find the others link to we take more information and reminder about the Lailatul Qadr...[ read here ]
may Allah bless! love you all !
p/s : My condition is not stable right now so that I can't finish this entry.however,hope this link can give us more information. do pray for me,salaam alaikum..
1 comment:
Yes...last 10 day.Full throttle !!
TERBARU: mencari wajah Tuhan
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