Monday, September 13, 2010



with the name of Allah,the most powerful,the most merciful and the All-knowing about everything inside the heart of his servant..
Full of Invocation and Peace be upon Muhammad Pbuh, the one that give the light to us through the Willing from God,Allah Swt...

YOU! what will you do when you miss someone very much? what will you do when you miss someone until you keep thinking about her/him in everywhere,in every time.what will you do? do you just deny it by just ignore your feeling? or just keep dreaming about her/him silently without tell anyone about it? or you just tell someone that you longing to about the feeling that you felt? even you know YOU CANNOT do it ? what will you do?

NOW! yes,now! now I AM missing ''someone'' ..someone that always come to my dream in everywhere, in every time .. someone that always give me smile and tears whenever I AM missing him, even I AM never see him! someone that always bring me to the dream that I AM not sure if It can be true.

Muhammad Pbuh..

Oh GOD! please send me someone that can bring me to see see ''someone'' that I AM longing to since long time ago.someone that always Love me and always want the best thing for me. oh GOD ! please allow me to meet him someday,someday that no others day after that day.the day that always being asked by them! by them who DON'T BELIEVE with YOU !

Oh GOD! I AM longing to him right now.longing to him..please accept me as you servant, so that he will willing to see me later..please send my greeting to him. I HOPE that he willing to give his helping to me to can I enter YOUR Heaven someday later..

Oh GOD! feeling that I JUST can dreaming about It. feeling that I just can saying about that without prove can I get It when actually I just lying?

I Just lying actually!
I SAID that I AM love him
but I AM never try my best to do everything that he like

I just lying actually!
I said that I AM longing to him in everywhere,in every time
but I AM never follow everything that he likes to do in everywhere,in every time

I Just lying actually!
I Ask YOU to give me someone that can bring me to him
but me,myself never make myself as someone that can bring anyone to him

Hey You! do you also just lying like me?declared that you miss and longing to him but you NEVER prove your words? do you also just lying like me? saying that we MUST follow everything that he likes to do,that we MUST know well about it to get his helping someday?

hey You! I know that we always forget about who are we.I know that we are some creature that always forget about our duty here!in this worldly world,in this shortly life but do we ever think that we are lying for much time?lying without we were realized about it..

how can we get our Prophet's Pbuh helping and willing there if we were NOT knowing much about him?
how can we get our prophet's Pbuh helping and willing there if we were never do his sunnah? never follow everything that he likes to do?
how can we get our Prophet's Pbuh helping and willing there if we were seldom to give the salawat to him?

so my brothers ans sisters,
let's we pray together and try our best to get his helping there,in the day that no one can help us except our practice in this world and the syafaat,helping from him..

let's we strive to be the good muslim and make he smile when he see us there,in the day that we will never care to anyone except we own selves

let's we try our best to follow his sunnah, to follow everything that he likes to do in his life before

Allahumma salli 'Ala Muhammad wa 'Ala alihi Muhammad...
Allahumma salli 'Ala Muhammad wa 'Ala alihi Muhammad...
Allahumma salli 'Ala Muhammad wa 'Ala alihi Muhammad...

p/s : Aisyah,bagaimana mungkin kamu bisa mendapat syafaat nabimu andai saja kau belum cukup berusaha untuknya? cepat! usaha dari sekarang.buktikan kata-kata dan impianmu itu.usahalah sehingga ajalmu menjelma,dan ajalmu itu boleh datang bila-bila sahaja.mungkin juga esok,mungkin juga lusa,mungkin juga malam ini...atau mungkin saja sebentar nanti!


L Bro M said...

akakkkkk!!!.. sob3... impian ku trkubur sktika, sedih2.. bila manusai tlampau percaya, dn brgantung harap akan seseorang, maka sgla keputusan itu dberi kpda individu itu je

Ana Aisyah said...

"bila manusia tlampau percaya, dn brgantung harap akan seseorang, maka sgla keputusan itu dberi kpda individu itu je"

means?tolong jelaskan....
maaf kurang fhm mksud kamu

L Bro M said...

kptsan itu brgantung atas guru penasihat kami, suara sy lgsung skali tidak diendahkan...walhal sy sudah mmpunyai hujah yg kukuh, ad huraian sndiri.. ttpi apakan daya,,, mereka lebih kepada guru penshat kmi walaupun sdh byk kntrvrsi sedar siapa sy =( =)