before this I don't want to talk about eid celebration here but now,I do that because I've nothing to do (don't believe it!..I have a lot of work to do actually.. ~assignment,project,revision... HaHaHa...oh,I like it!)
Nothing special actually in this Eid celebration because such a previous year, I just celebrate it here, so far from my hometown (last year,I've celebrate eid in kulim ) however All praises to Allah coz I think that those who celebrate Raya here are so lucky because not all of us can feel it..feel the various feeling when celebrate our special day (raya) without our parents,siblings and relatives.only for those who chosen by Him only can feel it..hehe (boleh terima ke kata2 saya? bertuah ke kita...?
All of us who celebrate raya here are sabahan..erm,related to Sabahan, I want to talk you some story.the short story about me that I don't like when its happen.this story is about a race or etnich .BANGSA. In sabah,we have a lot of race and avery race has their own 'sub-races'..such me,My father is Bugis and enter the Bugis Bone 'sub-races'.. in additon,theres have a lot of Bugis sub-races such 'Bugis Andrekan,Bugis Bulukumba,Bugis Makassar and others. my mother's race is a 'Suluk Bisayak '
in Ktd (especially,those wo celebrate raya with me) much of them are in bugis categories like me. in the night before raya (malam takbir) we were prepare much of sabahan (especially bugis' taraditional foods) such Tumbuk,Burasak,likku and Sawalla .. however,even I AM a Bugis and sabahan but I Don't know how to prepare these food..and to speak the Bugis Languange also I DON'T KNOW !.. I just live with my mom n my mom never speak bugis language with us because she's suluk ethnik (aku bukan berlagak la..tapi aku betul2 xtahu..)
"betul bha kau tak tahu ni?bha..belagak lagi..."
"iya bha..namanya ni pun aku confused2 lagi.time raya manada kami buat makanan begini."
"bha..belagak lagi dia.."
"kenapa jugak kekok sangat kau buat buras tu?kau bugis kan?takkan kay ndak tau.."
"bha...mana-mana mu jak la.."
and,in pagi raya...
"baru aku tau ko orang sabah bha..kenapa slang mu ndak berapa nampak sabahnya?"
"bha kau ni..memang aku cakap melayu pulak..bahasa baku ba ni..ndak pandai aku speaking bugis.speaking suluk and bajau aku tahu la sikit-sikit.."
hurm..whatever your opinion to me,I'm not lie to you.to you all..(kamu tidak tahu kisahku! sudah banyak kali aku cakap.terpulang pada kamu mau percaya kah tidak..hanya mereka-mereka yang dekat n faham aku jak bha percaya..geramnya jugak..)
back to the title,Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin to all sabahan..thanks for make me thinking that .. (aku adalah orang sabah yang rugi..cakap bahasa sendiri pun tidak tahu..orang lain sampai fasih 3-4 bahasa sabahan..tapi aku,satu pun ndak fasih..hehee..bertuah kamu ya! )
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