everything have the beginning before the end and every beginning of something need us to be brave to face everything infront that sometimes need our sacrifice.
do you agree with me?erm,ok continue your reading...
when we was born,we learn how to speak,how to walk,how to run, how to read,how to write and we learn everything around us to make ourself be a human~ and maybe some of you thinking that all of these happen just because of the natural law but actually,have something that allow every these situations happen.who? ~ Allah swt
ok..back to the main point.in our journey to go to our destination,we always have something that will be a beginning of our journey such Lao Tzu [1904] says "A journey of a thousand miles began with a single step." and such im saying before,every beginning that we made are need us to be brave.brave to bear everything that we have made.
That man can have nothing but what he strives for ; That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight .Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete;
[An Najm, 53 : 39-41]
[An Najm, 53 : 39-41]
if we think, now we are not at the beginning of our journey anymore but we were in the half or maybe at the end of our journey to go to the hereafter and no one can make sure that they will alive even just for an half second later so that let we think together about what we have done in our life before?...wich one more?the badness or the kindliness?
Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, shall see it and anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.
[Az Zalzalah, 99 : 7-8]
[Az Zalzalah, 99 : 7-8]
such im saying before,we need to be brave in everything even we are not the brave person.so,if you think that you are brave to enter the Hell,i suggest you to make much of badness thing in this world and if you think that you not brave enough to enter the Hell,you must prepare yourself to be brave in striving to go to the Heaven because the heaven is not for the careless person!
is't fair,rite..both of these need us to be brave.either we want to enter the hell or the Heaven,we need to be brave~

im not the brave person.im always scared with everything.im scared with His hell,im scared with my badness,im scared..im afraid with the failure..im scared and scared..even to walk in the city,i always scared to walk alone...
but i jut have something.i have my faith..i believe that i can.i can,i can,i can and i can...I CAN...INSYA ALLAH..(fuh!sentences pujuk hati sendiri time2 gemuruh n takut)
2 days left..i will going back to ktd.I have 3 things that make me scared :
1) alone..huhu..this is my first journey from sandakan-KL , KL-Kelantan via Air Asia alone..
2) Math..I dont like math but my mom advice me to take the short sem [math subject] ~ owh GOD...help me (-_-")
but i jut have something.i have my faith..i believe that i can.i can,i can,i can and i can...I CAN...INSYA ALLAH..(fuh!sentences pujuk hati sendiri time2 gemuruh n takut)
2 days left..i will going back to ktd.I have 3 things that make me scared :
1) alone..huhu..this is my first journey from sandakan-KL , KL-Kelantan via Air Asia alone..
2) Math..I dont like math but my mom advice me to take the short sem [math subject] ~ owh GOD...help me (-_-")
3) im scared with everything infront me..takut jika Dia yang memegang hati ini,tidak sudi lagi untuk memegangnya..takut jika hati yang rapuh ini 'terjatuh' pada insan yang tidak sepatutnya
~ (T_T)
~Ya Allah,janganlah kiranya dunia dan seisinya ini mengaburi mata dan mindaku dalam perjalanan menujuMu ya Allah.berikanlah aku Petunjuk,Nur dan HidayahMu ya Allah.berikanlah aku keimanan yang tidak akan pernah hilang.tolong jaga hatiku dan peganglah ia sehingga bertemu denganMu~
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