Alhamdulillah,today Allah still give a chance to live as His servant and to be worship to now,I would like to share with you all about the software that I've been use since 4 or 5 month ago . This is so cool,cute and useful for me.maybe some of you already know about this and already use it but for those who didn't know and want to try it. here I give you~
this software used to change the view of log on screen whenever we start our computer but this software just can be use in Window 7 (I'm not sure if Window Vista can use it)

starting window

default view of log on screen that appear after starting window
(picture from google)
that's so easy to use this software. once you download it,you don't need to install but just select the language that you want and after that, you can use it.

window-7 screen editor
to begin, you just click ''set background'' and you can choose any picture that you want from you computer.

my log on screen .
See,that so easy to use it, for those who want to try it, you can download this software here :
ok,thats all from me today,gud luck for you all..
note : this entry will answer all of questions from my friend wherever they seeing or using my laptop ''aisyah,camna ko buat nieh?'' ^_^
1 comment:
oh...macam menarik.
nak install jugak lah camni~
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