Said the Sahara to the Sun,
what do you want?
is it not enough that you made the trees run?
or have you yet had your fun?
Said the Sahara to the Sun,
why did you drink my river dry?
why must you left me with no tears to cry?
why must you made the past seems like a lie?
Answered the Sun to the Sahara,
my wanting is to like a painting,
painted by the markings of the running trees,
so that you learn the meaning of glee.
Answered the sun to the Sahara,
I drink not your river dry,
I made oasis so that only the vultures cry,
so that the dates may not be dried.
menarik!!!suka poem ni!
Menarik!: Kembara seorang budak
stuju to iqbal!
selain sajak tu,
gambar pun lawa.
damai je tgk!
iqbal n ameen : thank both of you..
honest,sy suka n selalu jenguk blog korang...mula2 baca tak sangka pulak kamu ni student metc..cam ustaz je..hu2
jazakumullahu khaira =)
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