This is a sad story of me...when someone that i know very well,even just for are bit time but it was made me sad...so sad
4.12 pm,a bit time ago...at friday,20 november 2008
me,kak fieza,kak nusaibah,rosni,nabihah,khamsiah and iza accompany ezati when waiting for her parents.she will go back to kedah and will not come here again.she will regester to study at the other college...
It was made us so sad...when she say "good bye..."a bit time ago...
my tears come out..immediately
and i saw kak fieza,iza,rosni...my lovely roomate they also...
...cry with me...hehe
Ezati,hope you will get something better in anything that you do after that..indeed we all love you...UHIBBUKI FILLAH
4.12 pm,a bit time ago...at friday,20 november 2008
me,kak fieza,kak nusaibah,rosni,nabihah,khamsiah and iza accompany ezati when waiting for her parents.she will go back to kedah and will not come here again.she will regester to study at the other college...
It was made us so sad...when she say "good bye..."a bit time ago...
my tears come out..immediately
and i saw kak fieza,iza,rosni...my lovely roomate they also...
...cry with me...hehe
Ezati,hope you will get something better in anything that you do after that..indeed we all love you...UHIBBUKI FILLAH
That's a foods while celebrated the 'jamuan perpisahan' for ezati
what was i got here?
as a student...
as a daughter...
as a slave of Allah...
I got a new friends...
New experience...
New life...
and everything new in my life...
all of those cause me change...
a big change...
indeed,He was gave me the best for my life...
what was i got here?
as a student...
as a daughter...
as a slave of Allah...
I got a new friends...
New experience...
New life...
and everything new in my life...
all of those cause me change...
a big change...
indeed,He was gave me the best for my life...
my roomate ...
hm...study week begin from today...at 1.12.2009 we will take final examination and maybe that's my last post until break semester...
hm...break semester?i'm sure that i will be the 'penggosok baju yang setia' for my sister...hahaha
(I will stay with her and she will work for every day and i'm very very very very sure that i will bored stay alone at home)..haha
hm...break semester?i'm sure that i will be the 'penggosok baju yang setia' for my sister...hahaha
(I will stay with her and she will work for every day and i'm very very very very sure that i will bored stay alone at home)..haha
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