Rainbow..one fine day, just one fine day later,after all of the rain that dropped from your heart, after all the gloomy darken day that you have to face just by yourself, it will come at the right time, to you, for you..just for you to color your life.. to fill your day with happiness, full of happiness.
Rainbow. the rainbow that sent by Him
2 bulan dah berlalu...lebih sebenarnya. dan 2 bulan itu nanti akan menjadi 2 tahun, 20 tahun...dan seterusnya..but we dunno what will happen, rite..cuz maybe waktu-waktu itu akan diisi oleh someone else, atau someone yang sama untuk mewarnai hari-harinya..who knows, rite? who knows? and no one know...
but still we don't know what's yet to come
keep smiling, they said. even though it so hurt inside. so hurt, and so hurt. cuz no one know what will happen, no one know when your rainbow will come. Allah, the one and only of Us...Maha Perancang dan setiap perancanganNya itu selalu tepat, baik dan indah pada waktunya..tak pernah sekalipun dia menzalami setiap hambaNya...so, just smiling, and move. move on. everything will be fine.
just believe that your rainbow will come, He will send you a very beautiful rainbow in the right time.. it's all just about time.
here some reminder to us..something to reflect..something to think about ~
Ketika Allah rindu pada hambanya,
Allah akan mengirimkan sebuah hadiah istimewa melalui malaikat Jibril yang isinya adalah ujian…
Abu Said Al Khudri dan Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahwa Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah Shallahu 'alaihi wassalam bersabda:..
"Seorang muslim yang ditimpa penderitaan, kegundahan, kesedihan, kesakitan, gangguan dan kerisauan, bahkan hanya terkena duri sekalipun, semuanya itu merupakan kafarat (penebus) dari dosa-dosanya.”
(H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim)
so just smile and said, Alhamdulillah :)