"You no need to ask about it,my dear because you will through everything in your life,stage by stage." Her mothers says. The doughter face her mother. She don't understand but acting like know what her mothers said.
Stage by stage
The daughter confused. stage by stage? what is the meaning of that ?
The meaning of that sectence is always playing in her mind
The daughter growing up
She learn everything to live
She learn what is the life for
She learn about the creatures around
and she learn about The Creator
sometimes, pain will hurt her. She crying but her mother coming. Calm her and always remind her 'stage by stage' ..
-- pain will not always be hurting you
because sometimes,the pain will make you more strength --
sometimes,the daughter laughing hard and her mother coming. remind her 'stage by stage'
-- our life is not just for laughing and happy
because sometimes it can make you 'lose' from your world
The daughter change stage by stage,through the condition around.
she change stage by stage from the innocent children to be a teenagers.
she change stage by stage from the teenager to be an adult
she learn ...
she find ...
she look ...
she think ...
...everything about the world
about the next world
till finally she get married and give birth
As the times running
As the world rotating
her children ask her
such what she have asking to her mom
the story's coming
'stage by stage'
Everyone will through everytning in the life
stage by stage
"Selamat Hari Lahir Aisyah..
As the life will gone stage by stage,
you also will through everything infront
and in your stage now,you must..
must learn how to live in your life infront
Selamat Hari Lahir Aisyah
As human will die..
..... stage by stage...
..........trun by turn.......
..................you also will through it....
so prepare yourself every second
Selamat Hari Lahir Aisyah
The number of your age will increse today
But your Age decreases every second,
everyday and today...
Selamat Hari Lahir Aisyah
Now,your responsiblity here was increases
Responsibility as A doughter...
As a student...
and the importand is,As a servant "
lets we fight to go to the JANNAH !