Hari Raya comes again.Muslimin and Muslimah celebrate it with enjoyable and grateful to Allah Swt after finish one mont of fasting.in this year,i am celebrate Hari Raya at my cousin's house,not like the others year,i am ccelebrate it with my parents,family and friends at my own village.
19 september 2009,friday-shahidah and i go to Butteworth by bus at 9.00 am and arrive there at 4.00 pm. there,my sister,my cousin and her husband waiting for us.from there,we are going to the their house at Kulim,Kedah-1 and half hour from butteworth.there,shahidah and i meet with my cousin's sons at the first time.Mohamad Ahnaf Taqiudin(Udin)-11,Mohamad Ahnaf Tarmizi(Izi)-10 and Mohamad Ahnaf Taufiq(Opik)-8. they is a very sweet nephew.
First day Hari Raya,i woke up from my bed after heard the crying voices from my sister.she calling our mother and crying.i am laugh because i don't have not any feeling to cry even now is Hari Raya.After pray Subuh,i iron all the Baju Raya of anyone on this house.usually,in the others year of Hari Raya,i will iron all the Baju Raya of my parents and sibling at malam takbir but i am feel so tired last night so that,i just do my usual work at morning Hari Raya.After pray Hari Raya,we visited my cousin's husband family at the same village.i am feel so happy because i am not ever feel the condition living in the village.in sabah,i am not stay at village so that i don't know the best feeling living at the place like that.
second Hari Raya,we visited the Assistant Manager of my cousin at Kg.Bukit Meriam,Sungai Petani.After that,we visited Nurul Watiqoh at Merbuk but at that time,she did not stay at her house so,we going to the Lembah Bujang Archaelogy center at Merbuk area while waiting for Watiqoh.at Lembah Bujang,Shahidah and i having show two couple date and do their 'fobidden project' at the close area.i think,they did'nt have the compassion to their owm self because it is not the good things to proof their chaste of love.
third Hari Raya,we celebrates opik's birthday and also make an open house.we prepare certain type of food such as Asam Laksa,Mee Goreng,Ketupat,Rendang,Kuih Raya and also the famous food of Sabah,Nasi Kuning.the ceremony start at 11 am until 4 pm.the guest comes and go.the condition is became more pleasant.
Hari Raya in this year was give me much of experience as a someone who study far from their family.even sometimes we are feeling sad because can't celebrates it with we own family and we own way,we must remember that there,have certain community who cannot celebrates Hari Raya comfortly like us.so,always be grateful with our creator,Allah Swt who always give us much of enjoyment of life